Liebster Award Tag!! 2.0

I have been nominated to do the Liebster Award Tag by the lovely Laura !! Thank you sooo much xx Her blog about fashion, beauty, food & life is just AMAZING, and you all really should check i t out! The Liebester Award Tag is a great way for small bloggers to connect with others and also get heard! <3 The rules of the tag: Thank and link the person who nominated you. Answer the nominator's 11 questions. Nominate 11 small blogs who have less than 200 followers. You should believe that they deserve this award and include their link in your post. Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer. Notify these nominees via social media/blog. Laura's questions answered <3 1) If you could be at a dinner party with five people (dead or alive) who would it be? Jesus, Mother Therese, Mahatma Ghandi, Whitney Houston, Tori Kelly 2) What is your favourite shop? Zara :) 3) Would you rather have a night out or a movie night in? ...