Not every Vegan is a healthy Vegan

I am Vegan. You'll probably think "She must be super healthy!!"
 But to be honest, I'm not at all. 
I looove animals a lot, I mean I don't even eat them. BUT I also love food. 

I eat crisps, sweets, chocolate, ice-cream, pizza and a lot more things that are not good for you.
.. But of course always everything 100% vegan.

People are always like "So what did you have for dinner besides lettuce?" ha-ha.. not.
There are really sooo many alternatives to meat and animal products, you won't believe it!
I don't miss a thing. I still can eat all the junk, without feeling guilty.

There is literally a replacement for everything. Even for meat! There are burgers, sausages, steaks and so much more.

If you like to bake (so do I) and think "How am I going to bake without eggs or milk?"
Just use a banana or flax seeds instead of eggs.. And instead of cow milk you can use soy milk, almond milk, rice milk... There are really many types of milks out there!

If you'd like to try vegan food, and wonder where you could buy all the ingredients, I'll tell you it is very easy! Every grocery store around the corner already offers vegan food. Just explore and try it! And I promise it is delicious! My mum says my gustatory nerves must be damaged, but I don't think that's true haha..

Of course you shouldn't only live by replacement products. A balanced diet is everything!

I just wanted to show that vegans nowadays really don't have to miss a thing. 
We have all the foods lol.
Also, not every vegan is a super healthy athlete. I'm the best example, I'm horrible. 
But I'll also try my best and eat some more green stuff. haha :D <3

..Not to be underestimated are the incredible dishes you can cook with only veggies and fruits!

This guy will cook you the best vegan dishes and is super hilarious as well! 


  1. You sound so friendly and I love the way you write! It always brings a smile on my round face hahaha thank you! :D

  2. Haha, you're welcome! You really don't know how happy your little comment made me :) <3

  3. I stumpled over your blog and i have to say i really enjoyed reading it! You sound like a very positive person :D can't wait for new blog entries!

    1. Thanks a lot lovely!! :D <3 I post my blogs daily, and of course I'll try to keep it interesting for you xx

  4. Hey Geena! Im am really impressed by your blog!! Woww


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