Dealing With Finals Stress

I would like to share some personal tipps and positive thoughts with you, to keep you motivated and to get you through this horrible phase the best way possible. Some of you may have noticed, some of you may have not, haha, but recently I unfortunately didn't have much time to write blog posts. I really have so many ideas and things I want to write about, but I'm just in such a hurry and there is so much stress in school. I could literally cry. Actually I already did, and not only once haha. However I think that is pretty normal, when you're under so much pressure. IT WON'T LAST FOREVER This is what I am keep telling myself.. All this stress won't last forever, you may feel helpless and like you're dying, no sleep just tears. I know how you feel. But it will be over very soon. Just don't give up! Give your best and your all. At the end you will be so proud of yourself, and partying will feel more deserved than ever! ;) YOU ARE...